I was watching the third volume of Ikkitousen: Dragon Destiny
You can be sure that I did not actually think this would work. But I guess if you see/read enough - and presuming even the worst aberrations have some minor connection to the actual story - I guess learning by osmosis does work after all. How unexpected. ^_^
In any case, Volume 3 ends with the legendary battle of Red Cliffs, sort of, and Ryuubi and Sonsaku defeat Sousou, sort of and all the cool characters are very cool, as we both expect and desire.
This is followed by a shockingly sweet epilogue and then followed up with hideous extra shorts that basically go like this: Butt, Breasts, Butt, Breasts, Butt, Breasts. And everyone's butts and breasts look exactly the same. Totally snoozariffic.
This was followed by a live event at Tokyo International Anime Fair, starring the Voice actresses for Kanu, Ekitoku and Koumei, which might have been interesting, but the audience was an Ikkitousen audience so...it wasn't. "Which character breathes heavily alot?" Puh-leaze. They could have asked what it was like to pretend to break people in half, instead we watch them act like they give a shit talking about underwear. My fetishes are just not other people's fetishes, I guess.
I also enjoyed the performance of the opening theme from the TIAF piece, as it was basically the singer, Kariyuki Mai, karaoke-ing her own song. ^_^ She did a damn good job under the circumstances.
Would have liked a little drama recording though- with Kanu, Chouhi and Koumei there, they easily could have a 5 minute thing about Ryuubi or something. Oh, forget that, I really just wished Nabatame-san used her Kanu voice for something. Anything. The ads for stuff would have been fine. Oh well.
What made this volume work overall was Koumei taking the lead on the strategies used, so it seemed for a bit like it all made sense...and watching Kanu and Ryomou kick the shit out of just about anyone is fun.
And of course, there's a teeny bit of Yuri. Kanu has a shockingly frank scene where she admits to Koukin that she loves Ryuubi - and she's really open about it, too. We knew this, of course, but it was nice to see her just getting it off her chest, so to speak. :-)
Art - 8
Characters - 8, for real this time, not only in our heads
Story - 7
Yuri - 4
Loser FanBoy - 100
Overall - 8
If you've been able to put up with (or, god help you, enjoy,) the kind of lameass perviness that Ikkitousen serves up in shovel loads, then Ikkitousen:DD, Volume 3 is worth waiting for.
Nov. 27th correction: Aaack! I incorrectly thanked Media Blasters when I wrote this review. In reality, the credit belongs to Okazu Superhero Amanda M! My sincere apology Amanda and my thanks for your kindness and generosity. This is my favorite volume out in English so far and will remain so until we get Ikkitousen: Xtreme Xecutor, if we ever do.