Sunday Morning Miscellany

No promises on a review today, but I'm going to try. Instead, I'm starting your morning off with some random clean-up. :-)

First up, announcing the winner of the Jormungand, Volume 2, manga giveaway: Milz, a winner is you!

And the "winner" of the El Cazador manga contest: Emma! I promise to send along something that doesn't suck as well as the manga that does, so you can have something for you to chew on, along with your dog!

Please email me here at anilesbocon01 at hotmail dot com and *please* use the subject line: Okazu contest. Send me your shipping address and things will arrive as if by magic, eventually.

I also have a DVD giveaway going on at the Yuricon Mailing List that has a few days to go, do drop by and take a look!

Secondly and rather significantly for me, today I start a gig at Noah Berlatsky's Hooded Utilitarian, a blog associated with The Comics Journal. (which, along with Journalista, you should read regularly because they are smart, entertaining, and about the comics and manga industries.) I'll be doing a column on the first Sunday of every month - amazingly, I have my posts planned through October. I hope you drop by and post some positive feedback to "comment offset" the inevitable negativity. My column is called Overthinking Things and my obligatory wankerish self-introductory post is up.

"Comment Offset" - lol

I like it.

I don't really have time in my life for another writing gig, but Noah's argument was very compelling - write whatever you want, I really don't care. Oh, well, who could refuse that?

Thank you all for all your support - emotional, monetary, humor, everything - and for your cheerful participation in my ass contests! I adore all of you, I really do. You make it all so worth every minute of every day to do this.

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