In both manga series Fate and Nanoha have reached the venerable old age of 25 and have, therefore, moved completely out of the fandom's interest. And right into mine. The fact that this *still* makes me a creepy old lady is not lost on me. :-)
In Magical War Chronicle Lyrical Nanoha Force, Kidou Rouka has been disbanded and Fate, Nanoha and Hayate have moved on with their careers. As we saw in the epilogue to StrikerS, all of Hayate's Knights still serve in the niches they have carved within Michilda's forces, and Teana, Subaru, Erio and Caro have also moved up in their chosen fields. Everyone is a productive member of adult society. So, clearly, it's time to introduce new characters. Therefore we meet Thomas, an independent soul on walkabout for his own reasons, the naked magical girl he rescues, Lili, and seamstress and comedic relief, Isis. The three are each searching for something and are already misunderstood by a trail of people. Alongside of their story, all the major players from StrikerS have been reintroduced in their new capacities. We can anticipate that they will all encounter one another as the story progresses.
In Force, Fate and Nanoha are presented at top of their form. Experienced veterans, leaders, commanders. We have yet to see them having an quality time together, but to be fair the series has a lot of stuff going on and there really isn't room for it.
In Vivid, we see Fate and Nanoha as devoted partners and mothers to Vivio, but again, the story doesn't quite have room for Fate and Nanoha to have time together. So, in both cases, the Yuri is there only insofar as you feel like making it up in your head.
Sadly this is not true for other fetishes. But aside from the apparently unavoidable (and in Japan, at least, profitable) fetishes favored by Nanoha fandom, both manga have good stories and are festooned with good characters.
Force Ratings:
Art - 7
Story - 7
Characters - 8
Yuri - 0
Loser FanBoy - 6
Overall - 7
Vivid Ratings:
Art - 7
Story - 8
Characters - 8
Yuri - 0
Loser Fanboy - 7
Overall - 7
Like Ikkitousen, I know what I'm getting into with Nanoha, so I am not complaining, just a little wistful for the fantasy manga fandom in my head that isn't such a load of loser pervs. oh well.