Yuri Anime: Blue Drop, The Complete Collection

Blue Drop: The Complete CollectionMan, does this series have one of everything. It's got an alien race of women and a Japanese schoolgirl and a loyal crewmember and a vengeful crewmember who lost her lover in an accident that couldn't have been prevented. It's got a character who writes fanfic and a character who is not what she seems. There's one complicated family situation and one set of deceased parents who were killed by the unstoppable accident. And the alien and the girl have met before as a result of the unstoppble accident.

It has a sneering bad guy who can take the blame for everything.

It's got noble sacrifice, and tragedy and drama and a play within a play and a school play that eerily echoes the real situation and comedy and fun and friendship and love.

It has moe 2-D animation and the ships are in 3-D CGI which give them a sort of cool unworldliness.

It has thoroughly likable characters and a story that ends ironically, but it definitely ends.

It has good and bad and moral ambiguity and questionable decision-making and two women who fall in love, so it doesn't really matter if it all makes sense. But for the most part - it all makes sense.

Blue Drop: Tenshitachi no Gikyoku is a fun watch from beginning to end. It's well presented, complete in one box and with no significant extras. Totally worth a watch whether you've read the original Blue Drop manga or not.


Art - 7
Story - 7
Characters - 8
Yuri - 5
Loser FanBoy - 1

Overall - 8

Given the watchability of this story, I'm even more bummed by creator Yoshitomi Akihito's decent into mediocrity in his recent manga work. I think he needs to return to this world once more and have a little fun.

My sincere gratitude is once again directed at Okazu Superhero Daniel P. for his sponsorship of today's review and his ongoing support of Yuri. :-)

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