Yuri Manga
Hayate x Blade, Volume 14 (はやてxブレード) is out at the end of this month - seriously. get it. It's going to be screamingly awesome. Trust me. Even if you can't read Japanese.
Shoujo Koudan Apartment (少女公団アパートメント) looks like another way to get a 4-pack of females to live together in a dorm-style setting from Mangatime Kirara.
Morita-san ha Mukuchi, Volume 4 (森田さんは無口) is also out at the end of June.
Yuri Novel/Mook
From Suzumoto Beni, illustrated by Hibiki Reine, comes Yuri Mook Puppy Love, a school girl love story about an otaku and the girl who likes her.
Other News
From Ain't It Cool News Anime on Twitter, The Anime Network has Youtubed the first season of Maria+Holic
Waaahhhhh!!!! From Crunchyroll News (ironically reported by Scott Green of Ain't It Cool Anime News) Go Nagai's Kekkou Kamen has a new adventure in Business Jump, Issue 14. It will be sure to offend every sensibility you know you have and several you didn't.
The four actresses voicing the main characters of Yuru Yuri have made a music video in character cosplay of the opening theme.
Manga Critic Kate Dacey is endeavoring to create a Manga 101 guide - something someone who would like to try a manga that caters to their tastes could use to pick something reasonably good to begin with. She's opened up a suggestions thread - drop by and give her a thought or two.
That's a wrap for this week.
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