Naruto Manga 542 Raw Prediction

Naruto 542
Status: Prediction

Prediction 1

542: The fight heats up

Tsunade and Killer bee are surprised at the sudden transformation of Raikage.

Killer Bee thinking: "This is getting serious now. It looks like Naruto is actually startin to give my bro a hard time."
Tsunade: "This doesn't need to escalate any further. Both of you stop this right now."
Raikage: "Shut up bitch! Ready brat?!"
Naruto: "Bring it old man."

Raikage smiles and charges in really fast at naruto leaving a dust cloud by his feet. As Raikage reaches naruto a dust cloud forms around them. As the cloud clears, Tsunade and killer bee are shocked to see Naruto has stopped Raikage
dead in his tracks by catching his punch with both hands.

Killer bee thinking: "Woah. That was a first. No one has ever stopped my brother dead cold during a raiton charge."
Raikage thinking: "Impossible. This kid should be unconscious right now."

Naruto pulls Raikage's arm forward and kicks him hard in the stomach as he lets go of his arm. Raikage doubles back as he grabs his stomach. Naruto summons two clones which create rasengans on each of his hands. Raikage looks at the
rasengan in each hand.

Raikage thinking: "There is something familiar about this kid."

Raikage looks at him and for a brief second flashes back to seeing the fourth hokage as a young man in a similar stance with a rasengan. Raikage looks at Naruto and smiles as he charges in at naruto. Naruto dodges him and attempts to hit him with a rasengan. Raikage uses his left knee to block the rasengan hit to his side while using his right arm to hit naruto in the side of the head. Naruto narrowly dodges the hit to the head and jumps back. Raikage charges towards naruto as naruto suddenly runs towards the trees. As Raikage gets closer naruto summons three shadow clones.

Raikage: "You are not getting away from me that easily brat!"

Raikage hits one of the clones in the back as the others disperse in different directions. The clone bursts into smoke as Raikage looks around for Naruto.

Raikage: "I have not time to play foolish games kid. Where are you?"

A naruto clone tries to attack raikage from behind but he easily takes it out with a single swing of his fist.

Naruto: "Than why are you treating this war like a foolish game?"

A naruto clone charges towards raikage who easily swats it asside but at the last minute the tree behind raikage explodes as two more clones attack him from behind. Killer bee is looking at Tsunade's chest while Tsunade has a concerned look as she looks at the tree line. Suddenly a big explosion sound happens and Raikage is seen being pushed by a huge rasengan which is carrying him above the ground towards Tsunade and killer bee. Tsunade and Killer bee jump aside as Raikage narrowly manages to move off as the big rasengan plows into more tree before exploding. Killer bee quickly turns to look at his brother as he notices that Tsunade is staring at him now. Tsunade turns to see naruto walking out.

Raikage thinking: "Damn it. Those rasengans are really starting to annoy me. I guess I have no choice but to cripple that brat. I hope Tsunade is able to keep him alive through that."
Naruto: "You can stop this right now from escalating any further but if you push me any further I will have no choice but to end this fight by inflicting a serious wound on you."
Raikage: "That goes both ways brat. I have held back thus far but Im not above crippling you right now."
Naruto: "We dont have to fight like this. All you have to do is let me join this war as it is my fight too."
Raikage: "The others are fighting for your safety. It is in your name that they fight to keep you alive."
Naruto: "I will not let others fight and die just because they are trying to protect me."
Raikage: "Than you leave me no other choice."


Prdiction 2

Raikage is back at the HQ pacing back and forth with Tsunade sitting down and Shika an d the others engaged in other things.

Tsuande: “Calm down, pacing won’t help.”

Iruka walks in, “ yes Ma’am?”

Raikage, “how could you let him escape like that, YOU were supposed to be the one to get through to him! This will be on your head if we lose them to Madara!”

Tsunade stands up, “That will be enough of that, Raikage.”

Raikage, “or what?”

We see a fist slamming against Neji’s face.

Neji lands a few feet away. {how did she get thru my defenses? It’s like she knows the patterns to my rotation, but how?}

Sakura, “Neji, if you are in there, get control of your self, I am goin flight on you only because it’s you. But if you don’t snap out of it I will have to..”


They both look. It is…

Neji, “Lee?”

Lee, “I will not let you do this Sakura, he is my teammate, and more.”

Sakura, “Lee, you don’t under stand, he is not himself”

Lee, “I understand completely what is going on, it is my moment to do two things.”

He walks in front of Sakura and gets into a fighting stance looking at Neji.

“to both save a comrade and fight my greatest competition.”

Neji, “you are a fool, I have ultimate defense against your speed.”

Lee, “yes you do have defense swift enough to match my speed Neji-san, but”

He unwraps his hands and feet.

“How long will it last against my technique.”

He takes a different stance, similar to Neji but his hands are in a claw position.

“Hidden Gate, open…. now Badger claw!”

Foe some reason Lee is glowing bright green but with othe rcharacteristics of opened gates. He repeatedly striking a Neji.
Neji is blocking blow for blow. He doesn’t have time to hit points at the moment he is just blocking.

Neji {what is this technique Lee, what are you doing? Are you really gonna be the second person to teach me a lesson wit defeat?}

Lee strikes Neji in the chest and he goes flying back but lands on his knees.

Neji’s cloths are all torn where Lee was striking and he was Blocking.

Sakura, {lee? You too have grown.}

Lee, “I have to be the best at Taijutsu in the Leaf village and all five hidden villages. I have no jutsu to rely on. I learn form my defeats Neji. You have defeated me in training everyday since we were 10. I learned every single place on my body you hit all those years.”

Neji, “yeah so what? So what Lee you are still just Lee!!”


Guy and Lee are talking you see Neji walking away with Tenten clean , but Lee is bruised and dirty. H eis around 12.

Lee, “he is unbeatable.”

Guy, “No such thing, my youthful student!”

Lee, “but Guy Sensei he ahs no weakness.”

Guy, “hmmmm, well some people strike you where they are weak JUST to see if you share the same weakness, cause if you do It will be that much easier to defeat you.”

Flashback over

Lee “Do it.”

Neji runs grumps up and runs to Lee quickly.

Neji, “I plan to, 8 palms…16 palms….24.…36.….64 palms”

Lee stands and looks at Neji with his arms down by his side.

Sakura, “Lee?”

Lee smiles, “I don’t share your weakness comrade.”

Neji, “what?!”

Lee lifts his arms, “Badger claw points of agony!”

Lee strikes every single point Neji did with his claw shape hands, he is done in half the time I took Neji.

Neji is laying in agony and screaming in pain on the ground.

Lee, “those points you hit in your gentle fist are right beside the points of pain in the body. I hit them with the right amount of force you enemy will be in too much pain to fight”

Sakura runs over to Neji, “I am sorry Neji, I can’t heal you until we know for sure it is you.”

Lee walks over and grabs Nejis wrist and pulls then twist. Neji stops screaming.

Neji, “Lee, thank you”

Sakura, “how did you know It was him?”

Lee, “simple. You can’t control someone’s mind that is in to much pain to think.”

Naruto and Bee are now in a clearing Naruto has the scroll in his hand an d Bee is looking on.

Naruto, “have a lot of questions to ask, it Is bout time I got some answers.”

“that will have to wait…”

Bee pulls Samehada and Naruto goes RS as they turn to see.

Nagato leaning on Itachi’s Shoulder, “…cousin”

Itachi, “please lower Samehada 8 tails jinchuriki, we are not here for you.”

Naruto, “he is telling the truth, what are you doing here? Aren’t you being controlled by Madara?”
He lowers RS.

Itachi, “Actually it is Orochimaru’s lackey that has raised us, Kabuto. We ar ehere to help you, the best way we can.”

Naruto, “why did you call me cousin?”

Nagato, “ I am Nagato Uzumaki, grandson of the Uzukage of the whirlpool village.”

Naruto , “what?!”

Itachi, “Naruto if you would be so kind?”

Naruto, “oh of course. “

He makes two shadow clones they take Nagato upon there shoulders.

Nagato, “yes I am your cousin through clan lineage. We are known for our long lives, grand chakra, seal knowledge and owners of the Rinnegan.”

Bee, “I don’t get it Mr. dead, Rinnengan was a fluke my bro said.”

Nagato, “the only people in our history to posses the Rinnegan…..were Uzumaki!”

Itachi, “it is true Naruto the tablet of knowledge in the Uchiha hideout states the true purpose of the Uchiha, to protect the Sage of six paths lost clan. Which means Naruto…”

“I must protect you!”

Next….what the hell?

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