Naruto Manga 529
Naruto 529 Confirmed Spoiler:
From flip-flip
Naruto practising chilli chilli(mode) with bee
Naruto notices the oddness of the outside
The news that kinkakus has bju-nized (metamorphosed to bju) sweeps through the headquarters. To hold it down, the last(5th) treasure implement is needed.
Somehow Raikage has the last treasure implement.
Its a barrel/cask? like (kohaku no jyohei/ amber clear jar)
Raikage gets the secretary to teleport the implement to the spot.
Ino shika choji also get to the scene to reinforce (darui)
Choji goes nikudan sensha (meatball tank) at kinkaku
Shika goes kagemane but kinkaku being too powerful, is repelled
Ino goes shintenshin
“Kinkaku!” calls darui. “yes!” replies ino inside of kinkaku. Just before getting
into the jar, Ino goes back to her own body.
Inside the jar is Kinkaku.
(ill do the scan pages later)
The name of the Raikage’s assistant is Mabui (meaning cute, pretty)
Raikage: “Mabui’s ninjutsu is Bushitsu Shinsō (Material Transfer Flicker) that can send things with the speed of light. That’s why she’s my assistant.”
Status: Prediction
NARUTO 529 Raw Prediction 1
BY Forlong
Choza: This chakra...that's just like...
Tenten: What the...!? How can that be? Naruto is the only one who can use the chakra of the Kyuubi.
Kakuzu: Fu fu fu. The Hokage sure likes to keep her subordinates in the dark. Then again, how else can such a weak shinobi keep control of the Leaf Village.
Tenten: Don't talk about Tsunade-sama that way! Naruto is the only one in the entire village more powerful than her.
Kakuzu: Quit lying to yourself. Tsunade-chan is a loser and a fool. And Naruto is a complete joke.
Tenten: Need I remind you that Naruto is the one that killed you.
Kakuzu glares at her.
Tenten: Not only that, I heard that his jutsu severs chakra. Even if you'd survived, you'd never be able to do ninjutsu again.
Kakuzu: Shut up! I'll kill you.
Tenten dodges Kakuzu's attack.
Tenten: I'm sorry, did I strike a nerve?
Kumo nin: He said he's seen Kinkaku like this before...
Cut to Hiashi
Hizashi: I'm sorry, brother, but it looks like it's over.
Hiashi: I don't think so. This is nothing compared to what I've heard Naruto-kun can do.
Hizashi: Naruto? The Kyuubi Jinchuriki? He's still alive?
Flashback to Hiashi talking to Hinata.
Hiashi: What were you thinking, Hinata!? Pain killed Jiraiya-sama! There was nothing you could have done to save Naruto-kun! And what's more, you're actions made him lose control and the Kyuubi was nearly released for a third time!
Hinata: I...I...
Hiashi: How could you be so reckless!? I already lost your mother! How do you think I would feel if I lost you?
Hinata: Father...
Hiashi: What do you have to say for yourself?
Hinata: Isn't it the duty of a shinobi to protect her comrades, even under pain of death!? Naruto-kun is my comrade! He is my friend! And I would die for him!
Flashback end
Hiashi: Yes, Naruto-sempai lives.
Hizashi: Sempai?
Hiashi: He is the one that mended our clan. As we speak, he is no doubt taming the Kyuubi. He is the greatest shinobi in the Leaf. He is...our next Hokage.
Hizashi smiles.
Hizashi: never called anyone "sempai" before. Not even Minato-sama. You have changed. I'm...happy for
Hizashi disintegrates and Hiashi comes to Darui's aid.
Hiashi: Darui-sama, I can put a seal on him that will disrupt his control of the Kyuubi, but it won't take long for him to remove or overcome it.
Darui: Watch out for the rope.
Cut back to Kakuzu.
Kakuzu: Damn it, stand still.
Kumo nin: Let me think about it.
Tenten: We've got to finish this and help Darui-sama.
Kumo nin: Don't worry about him. He's the number 3 shinobi of our village. Only bellow Raikage-sama and Bee-sama. I'm more concerned with this guy.
Kakuzu: You should be.
Kumo nin: You misunderstand. I'm not concerned about your abilities, but what information you have.
Kakuzu: !?
Kumo nin: You knew Ginkaku-sama and Kinkaku-sama. Were they...part of Akatsuki?
Kakuzu: Of course not. It was Yahiko of the Rain Village that formed Akatsuki. But if you mean: "Did they work for Madara?" then the answer has to be yes.
Tenten: What are you talking about?
Kakuzu: "Akatsuki" is just a name. Madara has adopted several for his plan: "The Kaguya Alliance", "The Kinkaku Force", "Iwagakure Yunaiteddo", they were all Madara's.
Tenten: But...I heard of the Iwagakure Yunaiteddo. It kept that village from falling apart. It wasn't a force of evil!
Kakuzu: Fu fu fu. Neither was Akatsuki. But noble people are always easy to manipulate. Especially if you can convince them that the ends justify the means.
Kumo nin: I see. You'd be a valuable information source.
Kakuzu: Fu fu fu.
Kumo nin: We'll capture you and you'll tell us everything about Madara.
Kakuzu: Don't make promises that you can't keep.
NARUTO 529 Prediction 2
BY jeanericuser
Naruto 529: The shattering
Kinkaku explodes with energy as the kyubi chakra envelopes his body. Darui looks at the transformation with a terrified look on his face.
Darui thinking: "Woah! How am I supposed to defeat something like that?!"
A sensor shinobi starts to sweat then calls out to Raikage and Tsunade.
Sensor: "Ginkaku has been eliminated but there is now a much bigger problem."
Raikage: "And that is?"
Sensor: "Kinkaku is now using the kyubi chakra. His transformation is currently at the 6th tail."
Tsunade: "Fortunately this is an area where konoha has some experience. Tell all our forces to pull back but have anyone with long range attacks focus their fire on kinkaku."
Raikage: "What are you doing?"
Tsunade: "Then have them move as much from their present positions as possible."
Darui stand there and looks at kinkaku stunned. Suddenly all the shinobi in the area start tossing kunai and different elemental attacks at kinkaku. Kinkaku responds by immediately raising the ground into a large wall all around him with kyubi chakra arms. The blasts hit against the ground shattering it away until kinkaku can be partially seen behind the wall. Darui backs off as he sees chakra forming around kinkaku in a huge reddish sphere.
Darui: "Oh shit! I better get out of here fast!"
Darui runs back to the shore as a huge explosion occurs sending as massive wave of water that pick up the zetsus and everyone else and smashes them against the shoreline. Darui just makes it barely to the shore as the wave recedes leaving dozens of dead zetsus and shinobi strewn across the shore. Darui look on in the distance at kinkaku. Tsunade walks directly over to the sensor.
Tsunade: "Tell Darui that right now kinkaku is taking heavy amounts of damage as long as he stays transformed. As long as we keep him distracted he will continue to damage himself thus weakening him. Tell the rest to keep an eye on kinkaku and be ready to dodge should another strike like the last one occur again."
A sensor runs over and whispers the message to Darui in his ear. Darui smiles and then runs towards kinkaku. Kinkaku responds by sending several chakra arms through the ground at Darui. Darui dodges each one and swings the sword hitting it at kinkaku's neck. The sword is deflected away by kyubi chakra. Kinkaku swings his arm over to attack Darui. Darui instinctively pulls the goard in front of him to protect him. Kinkaku strikes the goard leaving a crack in it as Darui is sent rocketing away where he crashes into the shore. Darui gets up and dusts himself off as he looks at kinkaku.
Darui thinking: "Its amazing I wasnt killed in that blast. The goard looks like it shielded me from the hit but its cracked."
Darui suddenly has a realization and smiles. Darui charges forward and this time swings the sword at kinkaku's head. Kinkaku responds by using kyubi chakra arms to shield him from the attack. Kinkaku swings his arm around to hit darui. Darui at the last second pulls the goard in front of him. Kinkaku's arm strikes the goard causing it to shatter resulting in a massive release of energy that shoots both of them back. Darui is laying there when suddenly Samui reaches her hand out to help Darui up. Darui smiles as she helps him up.
Samui: "I guess I missed quite a bit of action?"
Atsui: "That was not a hot way to.....hey I can say hot again?!"
Samui: "Think about it later. Right now we got bigger things to worry about."
Kinkaku has reverted back to normal and ginkaku is looking at them with an angry look on his face. Darui, Samui, and Atsui steady themselves to continue the fight.
Naruto 530: The battle continues
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