For an action manga, there's a lot of talking.
For a complicated plot, there's lots of fighting.
For an occult story, there's a ton of humanity ...
In the end, I find Zombie-Loan to be absolutely exhausting with very little payoff.
However, by Volume 10, Michiru is really starting to get a clue or three about her own existence and in a cliffhanger/climax she begins, for the first time, to truly assert herself.
To save Koyomi no less, although it might be too late.
Just to sort of extra super duper piss me off, it turns out that Yomi, while living inside Koyomi, is a sort of refined male spirit made from the unwanted male children of Koyomi's family. So...the one bit of Yuri we had to hold on to is not, and Koyomi is reduced to a vessel and a nonentitiy just as we were kind of getting to like her.
Art - messy
Characters - angsty
Story - scattered
Yuri - nonexistent
LoserFanBoy - must exist
Overall - loud
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Kate Dacey for Volume 10 of this set. It will be going to a good home at the library. Thank you very much!