"Read Yuri Manga in Public" Day Contest Winners!

I've been gently reminded that I promised to announce the "Read Yuri Manga in Public" contest winners today. Since it's a holiday here in the US, I thought that would make a terrific post to celebrate everyone who took time out of their day to send in pictures of them reading Yuri Manga in Public!

From Twitter we have Katherine H reading Hayate x Blade at a cafe.

Me reading Hayate x Blade Volume 6

From the Yuricon and ALC group on Facebook, we have Alison G who took her copy of WORKS out for a spin.

Reading Eriko Tadeno's Works

Both of these lovely ladies will be receiving "I Love Yuri T-shirts" for their efforts!

And from the Yuricon Mailing List, comes Grand Prize Winner Mara Papimer, who will be receiving a Amazon Gift Certificate! He chose to air his collection of Yuri - all at once. ^_^ Now that's my kind of reader!

Thanks to everyone once again. I have to say, that that was such a tremendous amount of fun, I will definitely be doing it again next year (assuming I remember to!)

Happy Labor Day Holiday to everyone of you who have worked hard to support Yuri in every way!

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