Takarazuka: Scarlet Pimpernel

(I wasn't going to do a review at all today, but what the heck, I'll do this...)

I first encountered The Scarlet Pimpernel as a child, in Classic Illustrated form. Already familiar with closeted comic book heros, it fit right in with my usual reading habits. I liked it. I later ready the original novel by Baroness Orczy. Of course I watched the Leslie Howard version of the movie and, yes, I've seen the Anthony Andrews version (with Jane Seymour and Ian McKellen!). So when they made a Broadway musical of the story, I was sure I was the target audience. My wife, her sister and I went to see it on Broadway. As we walked out of the theater not a single one of us could remember a single note of a single song. It wasn't bad or anything, just completely forgettable.

A decade later, I'm buying Takarazuka videos in Tokyo and there's The Scarlet Pimpernel musical again - only this time it has Aran Kei, so there was no question whether I was going to buy it or not. :-)

I gotta tell you - the music is still utterly forgettable.

So much so that I'm rewatching the second half because I can't think of a single thing to say about this DVD.

Now that I am rewatching it, I am reminded that Percy's outfits are totally pimpin'. I mean, like white tiger stripes or baby pink with gold waistcoat.

The biggest downer is that I really don't think Aran and her leading lady Toono Asuka have any energy together. In fact, I kind of think Toono really didn't live up to her star billing. She just never seemed to be on the notes quite.

Even the Review portion was pretty much like every Review ever, in the same way that this musical was like ever musical ever.

The only character who really had any oomph was Chauvelin, but who wouldn't like playing a sexy-in-black eye-rolling member of the "Committee of Public Safety, ambassador extraordinaire and plenipotentiary of the French Revolutionary government to the Court of St James?"  To top it off, Reon Yuzuki has a nice voice - she has that burry quality that I like so much.

Other than the clothes, this wasn't really inspiring in any way. And the clothes weren't so much inspiring as...amusing.

But have no fear - I have like 4 other DVD to watch (including Phoenix Wright, during which I will undoubtedly miss all the in-jokes, as I've never played the game. ^_^) I have no doubt at least one of them will be squee-worthy!

Overall - 6

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