It's "Utter Nonsense" Time Again!

Well, friends, it's that time again, when I feel like beating my head against the wall of your random questions about anything.

I'm going to reiterate the rules from last time, because they worked pretty well.

1) I will not answer questions about "what is your favorite...." anymore. They distress me, because I don't *have* favorites, usually.

2) No "ham or cheese" or "Coke or Pepsi" questions. Please. They provide no entertainment to either you or me.

3) If you want to ask me what I see as the future of Yuri or why I like Yuri, I beg you to read all the previous iterations of my answers to these questions. If you have a question about Yuri that I have not previously addressed, bring it on!

4) Please, please, no questions that can be answered by 30 seconds of actually READING one of my reviews here.

5) And no "define the term" questions. Go here: I did that already.

As always, I'll do my best to answer most or all of the questions. I may combine similar questions, or decline altogether if it's just something mean-spirited or weird.

Let me remind you that the goal here is to be entertaining - by which I mean it should be your goal to entertain me. I spend a lot of time here entertaining you, I think it's fair that you work at it a bit too. Ideally, we will all be entertained by the end result. ^_^

Okay? Good. Then,  let's have 'em!

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