Shibaraku Omachi Kudasai

Sorry for lack of posts this week. Work is kicking my butt in several directions and I'm in the process of shifting everything over to a new computer (nicknamed "Balsa.")

I'm out the next few evenings, as well, so please excuse me while Okazu goes into some forced downtime.

In the meantime, please entertain yourselves by following two roundtables in which I have the pleasure of participating this week:

The Manhwa Movable Feast, July Edition. This month, hosted by Melinda Beasi of Manga Bookshelf, we are covering The Color of... Trilogy. I took a stab at the third book in the series, The Color of Heaven. *So* not my kind of book.

And on Hooded Utilitarian, I am pleased to be part of a roundtable on marketing "arty" manga. My "Solution" article has been reworked slightly to address some of the many excellent comments that appeared in the comments here and make a few points relevant to the issue there. The rest of the roundtable folks are going to have a lot to say, so follow the roundtable all week long!

I'll be back with reviews asap.

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