New-ish Blog for the Western Minded Otaku

Well, it isn't everyday that I actually get to start a new blog, or enterprise; and it certainly isn't everyday that I get to do this with something that is actually a major past-time for me. Meaning of course, Anime and Manga, and Video Games.

Hopefully with this Blog, I'll be doing something a little newer that I haven't done in the past with some of my other endeavors, and that is to provide valuable and useful information about the Otaku culture that has begun a major growth here in the United States over the past decade or so.

The purpose of this blog is to give you, the tools and resources you need to to make well informed decisions when purchasing Anime and Manga, figurines, collectibles, and to not be mis-lead by the sheer hype that can often associate itself with this fandom.

But mostly this is to have as much fun as possible, and to listen to me ramble on and on, about the stuff I really like the most.

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