To Aru Kagaku no Railgun Manga, Volume 1

When I reviewed the anime for To Aru Kagaku no Railgun I said that the overall impression I had of it was that it was "entertaining." This holds true for Volume 1 of the To Aru Kagaku no Railgun manga as well.

The main thing that made the anime so watchable is maintained in the manga - the characters are all people I'd have over for lunch. Mikoto might be one of the seven most powerful people in the city, but she likes cute pajamas and stuffed frogs and is a very down-to-earth person. Saten and Uiharu are not wallowing in their lack of skill, they are living within their limitations. Do they wish they had more - of course. I wish I had more energy, more time, more money. Does it depress them - of course it does! But they aren't wallowing in it, as we see others do.

And then there's Kuroko. She's manic, undisciplined, a little crazy. She's an ojousama at a powerful school, she's got a high level of skill - and she's nice. She's a hard-working member of Judgement. She's kind to those who are powerless, and a good friend to people she could easily treat like dirt and get away with it. She's in a hopeless, pointless lust for Mikoto and despite the fact that it's played for laughs, there's no reason to think that her feelings aren't legitimate.

There is nothing about this manga that is not the same as in the anime - plot, character, everything. So basically all my impressions of the anime are the same for the manga. The *only* thing that disappointed me about the manga is that it is *exactly the same* as the anime. We enter the manga in the middle of the Graviton case and head right into the Level Upper situation. It was a bit rushed, but it makes me hope that maybe later volumes will branch out into something new, if only because the manga is moving so fast.


Art - 6
Story - 7
Characters - 8
Yuri - 4
Loser Fanboy - 3

Overall - 7

I'll keep an eye out for more of this - it's enjoyable enough to keep reading even if it goes nowhere new.

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