Contest Winner Announcements

This past week, I was running three contests in three different places. Here are the winners of the various contests I was running here, on our Facebook group and on the Yuricon Mailing List!

The winner of the Okazu Tea Party contest is Mara, with his genteel British high tea. Reason for win was picking the blends for each person. That got me all warm and fuzzy. Email me with your address and books shall be yours!

On our Facebook group, Jo proposed a fight between Hayate x Blade's Kuga Jun and R.O.D. The TV's Anita King. "Anita wins because Jun gets distracted when paper clothes get blown off her opponent." That made me snort-lol, so he wins.

And lastly, our Yuricon Mailing List contest, sarcastic_weasel wins with a wish for Hayashiya Shizuru's art to be animated.

Mara, sarcastic_weasel, if you would kindly email me with your addresses, prizes will go out this week.

Thanks to everyone who participated in our triple contest give-away!

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