Yuri Light Novel: Ai Yuri Gakuin Youkoso

It's never a good sign when the clothes are a character in a story. There is the occasional exception to the rule, that's true, but more often, it denotes a lack of certain qualities that make a story compelling. Qualities such as plot and character development.

And, indeed, Ai Yuri Gakuin Youkoso (愛百合女学院へようこそ) does lack both a plot and any character development. It goes so far as to have thoroughly unlikeable characters, as well, so the fact that most of them seem pretty miserable or are made to be miserable isn't really that troubling. The only troubling thought that might possibly disturb a reader is that someone out there is actually enjoying this book.

Ichigo is a diminutive and infantile girl who dresses in clothing made by her beloved and adoring adoptive mother. (I do need to point out that this was the single likable quality of the book. Ichigo's parents died when she was a baby and she absolutely loves and is loved dearly by her adoptive, doting parents.) Because the clothes her mother makes are so cute, Ichigo does not want to wear the school uniform, which is blue with big ugly red buttons and a scarf that clashes. This school is not supposed to have a dress code, which was a big selling point for Ichigo, but when she gets there, she finds that the pressure to conform is harsh. The Secretary and Treasuer of the Student Council, two odious twins Mariko and Ririko, conspire to torture her and ruin her clothes as often as possible. Even the teachers are assholes about it.

When Ichigo find herself without shoes, surrounded by mud, she is saved, then sexually molested by the President of the Student Council who can't stop herself because Ichigo is so cute and her clothes are so adorable.

The rest of the book follows the President, Aika, as she has her way with a mostly unwilling Ichigo, until after the twins set Ichigo's room on fire (thus destroying her closet full of cute clothes) and Aika saves her life. Then Ichigo realizes she's in love with Aika after all, so it's okay.

Wow, not too many wrong lessons there, huh? Not that any young, impressionable women are reading this book. This is LFB World, with nothing that has the vaguest hint of realism; not people, clothes, situations, nothing.

In fact, this books stank so badly, it's another good candidate for the shredder. Unless one of you wants it. Tell me if you do in the comments and you can have it. It's a novel not a comic. However, there are pictures by Chi-Ran, so if you like her work - which I really do not - then you might like it. I won't even make you work for it. You can just *have* it. Really. Take it. Please.


Art - 6 skilled, yet yucky
Story - 2
Characters - 2
Yuri - 8
Loser FanBoy -

Overall - 2

I guess it's nice that Yuri LFBs have an imprint of their very own, but so far, I'm really finding Tiara Bunko books to be pretty darn stupid.

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