Gunjo Preorder (Japanese edition)

As I mentioned on Saturday, I will be placing a bulk order for the first volume of Gunjo, so should you be uncomfortable ordering from a Japanese website on your own, you can order through me.

Here's what I've come up with on costs for the Gunjo order. These have been rounded off for convenience to my brain.

Book - $10
Shipping From Japan - $5
Domestic Shipping - $5 (Priority mail)
International Shipping (this includes Hawaii, Alaska, Canada and Mexico, I'm afraid) - $15 (Priority)
Handling - $5

So, Domestic US (48 contiguous states) - $25
International - $35

I've added in a "Handling" charge to cover Paypal fees and packaging materials, which, sadly, do cost something. That makes the International cost $35, which is edging very close to you getting it on your own. But I don't want to say US only, because I know that Europe always gets left out of the equation.

For what it's worth, I am *only* shipping priority, because trust me, the alternative means your book goes for a week or two long vacation to a warehouse somewhere where it will be lost, probably forever.

So, I've listed the links below. Domestic will be $25/book, International will be $35/book and I apologize, but it's still cheaper than $50/book, which is roughly what it would be if you ordered by yourself through Amazon JP with nothing else in the order.

Orders must be placed through Paypal, no money orders, because I don't want to lose my mind doing this. :-)

The book won't ship until it's released, so let's say, Pre-orders will be open until February 20 and then I close them.

Domestic Order -

International -

I hope this makes life easier, not harder, for you all. :-)

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