I know I have a few shows I need to catch up on a little more than I do The Sacred Blacksmith, but I really wanted to go ahead and finish out the series. I almost dropped this series a bunch of times, and while it has plenty of flaws, I'm really pleased that I stuck with it. This felt in many ways like the sort of show I would've been really into when I first started watching anime- but I'll write more on that later.
The Sacred Blacksmith did get back to its video game feel a little bit with these episodes. In the last episode, they did one of the very things that I got annoyed with them for doing in the first episode all over again. I didn't think these two were as good as episodes 9 and 10 were, but I still felt that it was a satisfying ending, and I really enjoyed a lot of the character centric stuff. It was nice to see how far Cecily managed to come.
I'll write a lot more about this and the anime as a whole when I do my recap of the series tomorrow. I was so back and forth on this anime and I feel like I have a lot of thoughts to say about it. For now, I'll bid Sacred Blacksmith goodbye.
Rating: 88/100