Sasameki Koto Episode 5: Friends

sasameki koto
I'm continuing my catch-up on this week's anime with Sasameki Koto Episode 6. This episode continues the new plotline introduced in the last episode, and also continues to up the ante for comedy. The show is progressively getting funnier and funnier, but is still retaining the drama and sweetness that it's had from the start.

I haven't been the biggest fan of Ushio up to this point, but I really grew to like her in this episode. There's a lot more to her character than what the anime has showed so far, and I really liked what I saw. If she continues to be this likable I might just start rooting for her and Sumika to get together after all.

Sasameki Koto is really turning into the sort of anime that anyone could enjoy. If you have a friend that you've been trying to get into yuri shows, and they haven't been sold on them yet, try getting them to watch a few episodes of this one. Hopefully the show will continue on this path so that it's something I can recommend often.

Rating: 88/100

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