The Sacred Blacksmith, Episode 6: Imperial Daughter -Princess-

sacred blacksmith 6

The Sacred Blacksmith's 6th episode starts off with a bang. When I began this one I thought for a minute that I might have missed an episode because it opens right in the middle of some action. I'm certainly not going to complain about numerous action scenes, although the show did feel like it was falling back into RPG mode for a minute there.

It's pretty incredible how capable Cecily's managed to become in just a few episodes. I wish that we could see more of her training and things like that, but since this is such a short anime it makes sense that that's the sort of thing they'd cut. I figured we were due for a slew of new characters based on the opening credits for this show, so I wasn't surprised at all the new faces. I hope we have enough time to get to know them a little bit before this anime comes to an end.

This episode didn't quite have the build-up that other action driven stories like the one in episode 4 did, but it still had some great moments. This one did end on a very odd note, but maybe I'm just more used to shounen animes like Bleach and stuff like that. I definitely wouldn't have seen the ending as strange if I was watching a comedy anime. Overall, I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of what this show has to offer in the next few weeks. I hope I continue to enjoy it as much as I am.

Rating: 86/100

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