Kobato, Episode 5: Hotaru's Promise

kobato Fujimoto
At long last, I've been able to see Kobato's 5th episode. I got lucky and got to get the 4th episode a bit early last time around, so it feel like ages since I've been able to watch this show. It's been hard to fight the urge to pick up the manga so that I could get my Kobato fix. This episode was worth the wait, though.

Kobato's weekly healing storyline was beautiful, and it was wonderfully told. The art used in this episode was absolutely exquisite. I also really enjoyed seeing the main storyline move along some. I like the slow build to a better relationship between Kobato and Fujimoto- it's more my speed then big dramatics. While I've really enjoyed the plot of each week's episode, I'm eager to see the main storyline take a bigger role. I'm sure there's going to be some good stuff here.

Every week it seems like I fall more in love with this show. This is exactly the sort of thing I like to watch, and I'm so glad to have a CLAMP anime to enjoy this season. Look out for a new Kobato inspired layout to take over this blog sometime soon.

Rating: 96/100

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