Seitokai no Ichizon, the student council based referential comedy show, continues onto its third episode. This one mixes things up a bit by introducing a new character- another cute anime girl, of course. Fans of the show need not worry about the routine getting messed up, however. The show remains the same in spite of this.
This episode had a really nice running gag and a few really quotable lines, but it was pretty much the same thing that we've been in the last two episodes. Given the nature of the show I'm not sure I should really expect any development- the status quo remaining as is is pretty par for the course with this type of comedy. I'm just starting to get bored with some aspects of this anime, which makes it hard to keep interested when the other shows are just starting to get more interesting.
I never could get really into Lucky Star, so maybe I'm just not cut out for this type of comedy. I'm still entertained by Seitokai no Ichizon and I'll keep watching it, but if I feel the need to cut a show, this one is sadly the one that'll probably be the one to go. I just feel like I've probably seen most of what this anime has to offer. I hope next week's episode will change my mind.
Rating: 77/100