In the second episode of Sasameki Koto, Ushio obsesses over a magazine featuring girls in lolita-style fashions. Meanwhile, Sumika Murasame is troubled over her percieved lack of cuteness. However, there's at least one person who thinks that Murasame is cute.
I enjoyed this episode quite a bit more than the first one. Ushio was a lot more likable to me this time around. It's nice to see a girl who is just generally into girls rather than the one true love stuff that's pretty typical of yuri. I also liked the subplot introduced this week. I hope that they do a lot more with it, because I think it can make for some interesting stories.
Overall, Sasameki Koto is shaping up to be a pretty good yuri anime. I hope that this series continues to improve week to week and becomes a good anime in its own right. Right now, I'd only recommend this show to fans of yuri, but that may change with time.
Rating: 85/100