It's strange to think I'm already on episode four of Kobato. It feels like I've seen maybe half that. I suppose that's a testament to how much I enjoy this show- I always want to watch more, so I convince myself I've seen less of it than I actually have.
This episode continued the crossover trend from the last one. The whole storyline actually had a very Tsubasa Chronicles feel to me, really. There weren't any action scenes or shounen anime style cliffhangers, but seeing characters happy in a new universe like this is something I associate strongly with that show. I didn't like this one quite as much as the last one, but it still had everything I like about Kobato. The comedy is great, Kobato is adorable, and every episode is full of heartwarming moments.
I liked the hint of another side to Fujimoto we got in the episode, and I'm really excited to see more of him in the future. There was also a bit of a game changer introduced in this episode that I think can only mean good things for Kobato's upcoming storylines. I believe the Kobato manga is still ongoing, so I hope this means that Kobato has a good chance of getting a second season. 24 episodes of this won't be enough for me.
Rating: 93/100