Sound of the Sky Anime, Disk 4 (English)

Sound of the Sky Complete DVD Collection Limited Edition (Sora no Woto)Aaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuurrrrgggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh.

My deepest apologies to sponsor Okazu Superhero Eric, and all of you who loved it, but repeated administrations of horrible obvious plot complications and utterly idiotic strategy and tactics cannot be swept away by repeated applications of "Amazing Grace." This series was just absolutely, predictably, pandering and awful, IMHO. I know that so many of you liked it, but I just could not. Too many handwaves, way too many.

I did admire the writers desperately trying to make it make sense at the end, with Aisha's version of the story about the Flame Maidens and I also thought that the voice actresses did a stellar job of speaking German cutely.


Art - Backgrounds - 9
Story - Auuughhhhhh!
Characters - 8
Yuri - 1 +1 for the obvious Noel x Aisha setup
Loser FanBoy - 5/5 split 5 for the actual creepy pervs and 5 for the sweet/cute obsessives

Overall - Stab, stab, stab

The Sound of the Sky boxset contest will go on a little longer, let's say until the 20th of September, so check out the rules and send in your entry if you haven't already!

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